USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Agenda & Introductions.
Fifteen people were in attendance.

Item on the Constitution & Bylaws Committee corrected; minutes approved as amended.


  • Motion to provide $ 200 to support sending John Perry to Latin America in a peace effort. Motion made, seconded, and passed.

Discussion of events the Chapter could organize for expanding membership.

  • Motion to pay expenses for UFF members to attend grievance training on the weekend of the UFF Senate meeting. Motion made, seconded, and passed.


  • Bargaining.
    Discussion of upcoming bargaining.

  • Grievances.
    Discussion of outstanding grievances.

  • Politics.
    Discussion of 2010 elections.

  • Communications.
    Discussion of coverage of grievances and grievance process.

  • Senate.
    USF Senate Vice President reported on some issues currently before the Senate Executive Committee.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on June 7, 2009.