USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were ten people in attendance, including eight of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum of the Council.

Agenda & Minutes.
The Agenda and the minutes for February 5 were approved.

We have new members.

Because of a delay in receiving information from the FEA, packet assembly is postponed to noon on Friday, February 26, in a room TBA.

Three issues were discussed:

  • Motion moved and seconded that the default meeting time for summer Chapter meetings be on alternating Fridays, starting 12:30 pm, at CDBs.
    • Amendment moved and seconded that the Chapter meet on payday Fridays as needed.
    • Amendment approved, and main motion approved.
    • Thus the summer meeting dates penciled in are on May 21, June 4, June 18, July 2, July 16, July 30, and August 13.
  • Motion moved and seconded that the default meeting time for Chapter meetings be on alternating Fridays, at a place TBA.
    • Amendment moved and seconded that the Chapter meet on Friday, August 27, at noon, to set the time, place, and schedule for chapter meeting times for the remainder of the semester.
    • Amendment approved, amendment substitutes language for the main motion, and the main motion is approved.
  • Motion made and seconded that the Chapter President explore the possibility of holding our fall and spring semester chapter meetings in SOC 351, the Mitch Silverman Memorial Conference room. Without objection, motion approved.

Report on Grievances.
Discussion of outstanding grievances.

Report on Bargaining.
Discussion of Bargaining issues.

Report on Communications.
We will soon present nominations to the Council.

Report on Treasury.
We are solvent.

Report on Political Action.
Report on upcoming elections.

Report on Services.
We will soon present nominations to the Council. Making plans for fall activities.

Report of the Chapter President.
The Council made no objections to nominations to the Bargaining or Grievance Committee, so the nominees are approved.

Good of the Order.
Discussion of problems with Administration communications to faculty.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on February 20, 2010.