USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were 9 people in attendance.

Agenda & Introductions.
Agenda approved and introductions made.

Effective this fall, minutes will be posted prior to the publication of the subsequent UFF Biweekly; they will consist of an enumeration of agenda items, announcements appropriate for the minutes, and motions with the resolution of those motions.

  • Motion made and seconded.
    That the makers and seconders of motions shall not be entered into the minutes. Motion approved.

Faculty Senate.
UFF will continue to be on the Faculty Senate agenda, and henceforth the Faculty Senate shall be on the UFF/USF Chapter agenda. Discussion.

There will be a special membership effort during the week of Sept. 22 – 26; the highlight will be Michael Berube’s visit on Sept. 23. There will be other efforts during the year.

Labor Day.
The UFF/USF Chapter will participate in the AFL-CIO picnic on Labor Day.

Results of the July survey are summarized in the upcoming Uncommon Sense. Discussion of other surveys.


  • Bargaining. Bargaining was discussed.
  • Grievances. Grievances were discussed.
  • Communications. Communications were discussed.
  • UFF Senate. The upcoming senate meeting was discussed.

Meetings in the Fall Semester.
Subsequent meetings will be on alternate Fridays in SOC 304. We will arrange to meet on Dec. 12. There will be meetings on other campuses on intermediate Fridays.

Meeting Adjourned.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on August 23, 2008.