USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm at CDB Restaurant.

Attendance & Introductions. Eighteen members, including nine members of the Council, and one guest.

Minutes. Minutes from August 12 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • Ratification. The two chief negotiators have tentatively agreed to a new 2016 – 2019 contract, which requires ratification before coming into effect.
  • Membership. Discussion of the Orientation meeting, and plans for the fall recruitment campaign.

Old Business.

  • Calendar. We confirm that the next chapter meeting will be at USF St. Petersburg, location TBD. The remaining meetings of this semester will be on September 9 & 23, October 7 & 21, November 4 & 18, and December 2. We will reserve one room to meet in monthly, and each month we will have a meeting at an alternate location.
  • Surveys. In September, the Chapter will conduct a survey of instructors.

New Business. We need volunteers to help build a departmental or building representative structure.
Committee Reports.

  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances.
  • Treasurer’s Report. The following budget was presented for approval:

    Items Expenditures 2015 Proposed 2016
    Printing 16,000 19,000
    Chapter & Committee Meetings 5,000 6,000
    Mileage reimbursements 2,600 3,500
    Travel scholarships 2,500 9,000
    Postal services 800 1,500
    Miscellaneous 1,400
    Recruitment (personnel) 10,000
    Recruitment (events) 6,000
    TOTAL 28,300 55,000

    Motion made and seconded to approve the budget. Motion approved.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 28 August 2016.