USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at Perkins Restaurant just east of USF Tampa.

Attendance. Eleven UFF members, including eight members of the Council.

Minutes. Minutes from the April 21 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • USF did not achieve preeminence status because of a last-minute change in the metrics. The USF Administration is launching an initiative that may enable USF to achieve that status next year.
  • New Faculty Orientation will be on August 7.
  • A new multi-tier health insurance program will come online in 2020.
  • The GAU asked for support for an event; motion of support tabled pending receipt of a formal proposal.


  • Grievances. We need a committee. There are a number of outstanding grievances.
  • Bargaining. A new multi-tier health insurance program will come online in 2020. The Bargaining Committee would like the Tallahassee office to develop a proposal for bargaining for contracts that extend into the period.
  • Membership / Service. Discussion of events and publicizing benefits of membership. We should have a social in July at a Rowdies event.

    The Travel Scholarships program will be repeated this summer, with recipients from last spring and last fall ineligible, and also members of the Executive Committee ineligible; additional requirements are that the recipients write brief descriptions of the relevant professional work for publication in the Biweekly, and that eligibility requires attending a UFF event. [Announcement postponed pending clarification of the last point.]

    Tenure and promotion workshops are to resume in fall.

  • Treasury. We are solvent.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 31 May 2017.