USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon at CDB Restaurant.

Attendance & Introductions. There were eighteen members present, including thirteen council members, and two guests.

Interregnum. Meeting of the Chapter Council.

Minutes. April 20 minutes approved.


  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Membership. We will be running the affiliate Three for Free program this summer.
  • President’s report. The current situation at USFP, and plans for the teach-out next year.
  • Communications. Many faculty are do not bird dog Barracuda.
  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding issues.
  • Bargaining. John Noonan described a report his ad hoc committee presented to the Bargaining Committee on tenure and promotion articles in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

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  • Tenure and promotion workshops.
  • There will be a higher education hearing in Jacksonville on June 5.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 20 May 2012.