USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 am on USF Tampa in EDU 150.

Attendance & Introductions. Twelve members, including eight senators, and two guests.

13 February 2015 Minutes approved.

President’s Report.

  • Election Report. The Chapter election is nearly completed. Art Shapiro was elected president, Steve Lang was elected vice president, Greg McColm was elected secretary, and Sonia Wohlmuth was elected treasurer. Elected senators are Elizabeth Aranda, Jill Brasky, Karin Braunsberger, Pablo Brescia, Kathleen Carvalho-Knighton, Cecil Greek, Steve Lang, Alex Levine, Mariam Manzur, Greg McColm, Adriana Novoa, Vic Peppard, Steve Permuth, Patricia Pettijohn, Harry Vanden, Bob Welker, Milton Wendland, Rick Wilber, and Sonia Wohlmuth. Elected delegates were Greg McColm, Steve Permuth, and Art Shapiro. To write-in candidates who received more than one vote each consented to serve as delegate: Pablo Brescia and Adrienne Berarducci. Two remaining delegates will be selected from the four remaining write-in candidates at the March 27 Chapter meeting.


  • Grievance Committee. A slow., A number of issues resolved informally.
  • Membership Committee. Discussion of new faculty reception. There will be a new faculty reception in early fall.
  • Meetings. The Chapter will meet at a location on USFSM TBD on February 27, in MSC on March 13, and then on campus in a room TBD on March 27, April 10, and April 24.
  • Tenure and promotion workshops. Discussion.
  • Bargaining. Discussion.

New Business.

  • Guns on campus. Discussion of whether teachers have the authority to ban guns from the classroom via policy stated in syllabus.
  • Endorsement. Motion made and seconded that the UFF USF Chapter endorse Steve Permuth for the past three positions for which he is standing for election in the state UFF election.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 21 March 2015.