USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at CDB Restaurant just east of USF Tampa.

Attendance. Eight UFF members, including seven members of the Council, and one guest.

Minutes. Minutes from the June 16 and 30 meetings approved.

President’s Report and Business. Two items from other unions.

  • New Faculty Orientation. Fewer attendees than previous years. Discussion of Benefits Fair in October.

Old Business.

  • Faculty Forward. UFF Executive Committee members met with SEIU on the adjunct campaign. UFF’s position remains that the adjuncts should have the opportunity to decide whether to organize.
  • ROAD. USF is having difficulties with its software.

New Business.

  • Raises. The pay period for this year’s raises starts on September 8.
  • Calendar. The UFF Chapter Meetings this semester will be on August 25, September 8 & 22, October 6 & 20, November 3 & 17, and December 1. The August 25 meeting will be at Perkins Restaurant, and the other meetings will be in a room TBD on USF Tampa, although two meetings mid-semester will be on USF St. Petersburg and USF Sarasota / Manatee at locations TBD.
  • Travel Scholarships. The six recipients are Christina Dillahunt-Aspillaga, LaSonya Moore, Thomas Pluckhahn, Amy Thompson, Roxanne Watson, and Joo Yeon Woo. Just in case a recipient is unable or unwilling to accept a scholarship, two seconds were chosen: Steve Permuth and Nicole Tracy-Ventura.


  • Grievances. Discussion of grievances at USF St. Petersburg and elsewhere; there seem to be a number of assignment-related grievances.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of plans.
  • Tenure and Promotion workshops. There will be one this fall.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 12 August 2017.