Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.
Attendance. Fourteen members attending, including eleven members of the Council, one staff member, and two guests
Minutes. Minutes for the May 21 meeting were approved.
President’s Report & Essential Issues.
- USF Survey on Reopening USF. We have no information on the results of this survey.
- USF Forest Preserve. We will send a letter to the provost concerning the current status.
- USF’s Financial Situation and the Strategic Plan. A final version of the Plan has been posted on the agenda for the June 8 meeting of the USF Board of Trustees.
- Climate Survey. The USF Council for Faculty Issues conducted an Instructor Climate Survey, and a representative of the CFI presented initial results.
New Business.
- Chapter Meetings in Fall. Discussion. There was a sense that using an online platform, either exclusively or in a hybrid format, facilitated participation over a system composed of three campuses – one of which is very large.
- Grievances. There are a number of grievances from regional campuses concerning assignments, and a number of concerns about safety amidst the pandemic. A number of faculty have left USF out of concerns for the current situation.
- Collective Bargaining. Discussion.
- Membership. UFF USF as several UFF fellows to assist in the fall campaign.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 8 June 2021.