You should be receiving a ballot for the UFF USF Chapter election early this week (March 11-13). They will arrive in 9 x 11 envelopes. Inside there will be a white instruction sheet and a blue ballot. Fill in both sides of the ballot. There are candidates for four offices on the ballot: the president, the vice president, the secretary, and the treasurer. There are also candidates for the nineteen UFF senate seats (The UFF Senate is the legislative body of the statewide United Faculty of Florida) and for the seven delegate seats (the FEA Delegate Assembly is the legislative body of the Florida Education Association, which represents K-20 teachers across the states).

For information about the candidates, see the UFF USF Election Season webpage.  Ballots must be received by Tuesday, March 19. If you have not received a ballot by Wednesday, March 13, contact the Chapter Secretary. Ballots will be counted at a special meeting open to all UFF Members on March 21, time and place TBA.

Meanwhile the statewide United Faculty of Florida is also conducting its election so watch your mail for the UFF ballots as well. These ballots are arriving in regular envelopes. For more information on some of the statewide candidates, visit the state UFF website.

We strongly urge all UFF members to vote in both elections!