At the August 28 Chapter meeting, the Amendments were adjusted to the following:

UFF-USF Constitution Proposed Amendment

Article VI. Amendment.

This constitution may be amended as follows: A proposed amendment shall be distributed to all members at least thirty days prior to a vote. A constitutional amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of all those present at the time of the vote. The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 10% of the chapter membership (by petition), or a majority of the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the constitution, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification requires approval A vote of two-thirds of those present and voting.

UFF-USF Bylaws Proposed Amendment

Article VI. Amendments.

The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 10% of the chapter membership (by petition), or a majority of the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the by-laws, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification of the proposed change(s) requires approval vote of two-thirds of a majority of those present and voting. at a membership meeting if the members have been notified at least two weeks in advance may amend the Bylaws.