UFF/USF Chapter Meeting

September 7, 2007

In attendance: J. Martin, S. Dorn, M. Klisch, R. Weatherford, B. Welker, S. Ramírez Wohlmuth, M. Kaplan, A. Shapiro, R. Evans, K. de la Peña McCook, G. McColm, S. Permuth, J. Noonan, B. Ingalls

Adoption of the Agenda: The agenda was adopted, as written.
Miscellaneous Announcements:
M. Kaplan relayed a message she had received from Lily Kay, who is now in Berkeley. Kay mentioned in her message that she has learned that the situation in the College of Nursing is deteriorating. No one is willing to grieve or even go on the record with information.
State Budget and Layoffs:
There was discussion on Governor Crist’s budget proposal, which deeply slashes the higher education budget non-proportionally to that of the K-12. The supposed upcoming legislative session has been postponed indefinitely.

Discussion centered on the consultation of the previous week concerning the topic of impact bargaining, and possible methods for resolution to the issue in order to get administration to come to the table.
Instructor Promotion Track: Kaplan circulated Kofi Glover’s memo and draft from a year ago; in the past twelve months there has been no movement whatsoever on the issue. Apparently there is some problem with their definition of instructor. Administration’s definition includes a 75% teaching load.
Paperless Contracts: This turned out to be that administration wants one paper contract issued – when an employee is hired.
Instructional Technology and Intellectual Property: UFF/USF agreed with administration to set up a joint group to take a look at this issue.
Layoffs: Administration said that it would try to set up a single point of contact for any and all information on layoffs at the University.
There are no meetings between UFF and USF scheduled at this time. The two committees at work on the issues of parental leave and domestic partner health insurance have not reported back yet.
Klisch reported on the termination, assignment, and tenure denial grievances. The chapter grievance on the code of financial conduct is still not resolved.
Communication: Communications:
McColm announced that the Bi-Weekly came out yesterday. There is need for the membership to bombard state legislators with letters, phone calls, and emails with thoughts about supporting the needs of the universities. Uncommon Sense has been mailed. Members present reported having received it already. He is still looking for good columnists for the Bi-Weekly and Uncommon Sense!
Wohlmuth announced that the chapter has money in the credit union account. The fall rebate check should be arriving soon. She distributed a budget which was approved unanimously by the group.
Political Action:
Weatherford reported that Dorn’s effectiveness in dealing with UFF/USF affiliates makes Roy’s job much easier. Over 1,000 people attended the Labor Day Picnic at the fairgrounds; it was fun and a huge success. The Jacksonville Republican that FEA has endorsed won the primary and will move on to the general election.
The chapter has twelve or so new members. Dorn asked for assistance in promulgating a questionnaire for use in recruiting. McColm volunteered.
Over the Horizon Issues:
Concerning the University of South Florida Strategic Plan, which came up during the last Board of Trustees meeting, Dorn said to the Board that in order to make this plan come to fruition, the university will need a great deal more funding than that which it presently has.
Respectfully submitted by Jana Martin.