USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were eight people in attendance. There was no quorum for the Chapter Council.

The agenda was approved.

The September 11 minutes were approved.

The September 11 minutes were approved.

Online Meetings.
There have been two online meetings in the last two weeks. We will continue to have about one a month and then review the results.

We have gained a number of new members recently.

  • Motion made and seconded: That the dues rebate be offered on a one-time per person basis, that is, a once in a lifetime offer. Motion approved.

A Junior Faculty Group is up and started. We are also investigating the possibility of social hours.

Labor at USF Generally.
UFF officers have attended recent bargaining sessions between USF and AFSCME.

  • The following letter was presented to the Chapter: The United Faculty of Florida supports USF AFSCME Local 3342 in their efforts to win reasonable wages and working conditions for the members. As faculty, we understand well the importance of the work that staff performs and we believe that the University should value and reward their critical efforts. Instead, however, the BOT and the administration has steadfastly refused to provide any increases from University funds since 2003, and it has been several years since the legislature mandated base raises for university employees. During the period between then and now, inflation has increased by 13 %. This means that staff has steadily lost ground. It is important to note that the wages and salaries earned by member employees were already unconscionably low. According to a salary study from 2007, 13 % were below the official poverty line (set for that year at under $ 20,000 for a family of four); 39 % were eligible for federal food stamps; and 88 % earn less than what is considered a “living wage”. The people who do the heavy lifting and critical paperwork at the institution deserve to be able to avoid public assistance. They deserve to be able to support their families and build savings for the future. They deserve respect and reasonable remuneration.
  • Motion made and seconded: That the Chapter adopt this letter to as a Chapter Letter to the Oracle.

USF is advertizing for a Director of Labor Relations.

INTO status.
There was a discussion of USF’s talks with INTO.

Governance Documents.
Sherman Dorn will present a third alternative, i.e., language for a smaller Chapter Council, to be presented to the Chapter on October 9.

USF Polytech Status.
Discussion of USF Polytech T & P proposal.

USF and SUS Budget Outlook.
The SUS, UFF, and individual university lobbyists are working together to advance our cause to the legislature.

UFF Senate Meeting.
The meeting will be in Tampa this weekend.

FEA Delegate Assembly.
The meeting will be in Orlando during Oct. 15 – 17.

The agenda was approved.


  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Communications. The latest Biweekly was well over 3,000 words and may break a record.
  • Grievances. Discussion of ongoing grievance processes.
  • Bargaining. No bargaining sessions scheduled.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on September 26, 2009.