UFF/USF Chapter Meeting

September 21, 2007

In attendance: J. Martin, S. Dorn, M. Klisch, R. Weatherford, B. Welker, S. Ramírez Wohlmuth, M. Kaplan, A. Shapiro, E. Odgaard, G. McColm, S. Permuth, J. Noonan, B. Frank, A. Miranda

Adoption of the Agenda: The agenda was adopted, as written.
What is fair language for the impact bargaining proposal? The bargaining team would meet following the chapter meeting to work on the final draft. Apparently some faculty have already been told that the class size caps are to remain in spring semester the same as they are in fall.

State Budget Crisis:
The plea to call legislators went out to one and all. Speak to them about the importance of maintaining higher education budgets, even at the expense of new initiatives, special programs, etc. A member of the faculty senate spoke about the effects of the budget cuts on research, and that the formula whereby some grant funds get reimbursed may have to be changed. It was also mentioned that Judy Genshaft has said that she may have to look elsewhere other than the legislature for funding.
Klisch reported on the termination and tenure denial grievances.
McColm announced that “we are continuing to communicate.” He assumes that the next couple of issues of the BiWeekly will feature coverage of the next two statewide union meetings, the FEA Delegate Assembly at the end of September, and the UFF Senate Meeting the first weekend of October.
Wohlmuth announced that the chapter has money in the credit union account. The fall rebate check should be arriving any day now.
Political Action:
Weatherford reminded the group of the email he sent concerning the FEA e-lobbying website. He reiterated that one should change the subject line because the Tallahassee folks DO pay attention to that as well as the sender’s email address. He requested that folks also consider writing letters to the editor. They should be short, concise, and mention a specific personal experience, i.e. “my class has 12 more students…” and mention that you know that students cannot get the classes they need, etc.
When asked if it would be worthwhile to contact the governor’s office, he said, “Yes!” Crist has the power of veto, so he is an important person to lobby.
Twelve new member cards were given to B. Frank. McColm and Welker helped compile questions for the membership questionnaire.
Other Business:
The domestic partner committee had its last meeting cancelled due to conflicts that some members had with its scheduling. The parental leave group will meet this afternoon.
Dorn met with tenured members of the faculty of the College of Nursing, and attended their faculty meeting before today’s chapter meeting.
A motion to have the chapter contribute $200 to the Central Labor Council’s hospitality suite at the state AFL-CIO convention in two weeks was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by Jana Martin.