USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were fourteen people in attendance. There was a bare quorum for the Chapter Council.

The agenda was approved.

Amendments to the Amendment Process in the Governance Documents.
Amendments to the Amendment Process presented at the August 28 meeting were presented to the Chapter.

  • Motion to Amend Article VI of the Constitution as proposed at . Motion approved.
  • Motion to Amend Article VI of the Bylaws as proposed at . Motion approved.

The amendments come into effect immediately and apply to the subsequent proposals to amend the Constitution and Bylaws.

Amendments to the Governance Documents.
The proposals to amend the documents were presented to the Chapter.

  • Motion made and seconded to act as a committee as a whole. Motion approved.
  • Motion made and seconded to change text of proposal to return to the old language concerning the Chapter Council. Motion approved.
  • Motion made and seconded to make appointments to committees subject to the consent of the Chapter Council. Motion approved.
  • Motion made and seconded to adjourn from a committee as a whole. Motion approved.
  • Motion made and seconded for a technical change in the language. Motion approved.
  • Motion made and seconded to include the Grievance Chair as a member of the Executive Committee. Motion approved.
  • Motion made and seconded to accept the proposal as amended for presentation to the UFF/USF Membership for approval. Motion approved.
  • Motion made and seconded to commend the ad hoc committee for its work on proposing amendments to the Chapter Governance Documents. Motion approved.

Announcement on Health Care.
Our affiliates asked us to call Senator Bill Nelson and ask him to support Health Reform on Tuesday, October 13, in the Finance Committee.

Report on the English and Sociology Departments.
John Noonan will compose a summary of the report for circulation to the UFF USF membership.

Instructor Promotion Track.


  • Membership continues to grow.
    • Motion made and seconded to extend the rebate of $ 300 for new members to the end of the semester. Motion approved.
  • Grievances discussed.
  • Communications discussed.
  • Treasury. We have money.
  • AFSCME in impasse; discussion.
  • Bargaining discussed.
  • Faculty Senate to be discussed.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on October 10, 2009.