USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

The meeting was at USF-Polytechnic. There were ten people in attendance, including six of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum of the Council.

The agenda were approved.

USF Polytechnic Affairs.
Several issues were discussed

  • Discussion of tenure & promotion proposals.
  • Annual evaluations: broad discussion.

Instructor Promotion Track.


  • Motion made & seconded: To send a copy of the PERC Notice to Employees, with synopsis by S. Dorn, as a flier to all USF employees. Motion approved.

Rebate Case.
A member of the unit joined UFF before the fall semester and resigned in December.

  • Motion made and seconded: That the member shall be provided with a rebate no more than $ 300 or total dues paid. Motion approved.

Next bargaining session scheduled for Friday, May 14.

Political Action.
Some UFF members will participate in a fundraiser for Alex Sink on May 8.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on May 9, 2010.