USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Attendance. There were eleven members in attendance, including eight members of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum.

Minutes. Minutes of the May 6 meeting approved.

President’s report. Current issues before the administration.

Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances.

Membership. Discussion of faculty issues.

Bargaining. Discussion contractual issues and possible events and activities.

Communications. Status of website and mail.

Treasury. We are solvent.

FEA governance. FEA anticipates more of the same during the legislative session of 2012.

New Business. Tenure & Promotion.

  • Motion made and seconded to appoint an ad hoc committee chaired by John Noonan to investigate problems with the tenure award process at USF during the 2011 ? 2012 academic year. Motion approved.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on May 20, 2011.