UFF-USF Chapter Meeting
May 2, 2008
In attendance:
M. Barnett, V. Cosmides, S. Dorn, B. Graham, M. Klisch, J. Martin, G. McColm, K. de la Pena McCook, E. Mitchell, M. Moats, S. Permuth, A. Shapiro, S. Tauber, P. Terry, R. Welker, S. Wohlmuth.

Adoption of the Agenda: The agenda was adopted as presented.Membership: Michael Berube is coming, and will speak in a public event in part of the fall membership campaign.
Legislative Report: The legislature is approaching sine die. It appears that the amendment to abolish the BOG has died, and that the SUS cut in recurring funds will be about 1 %, although nonrecurring funds cut, including Centers of Excellence.
USF financial reports: The Chapter went over a report requested by UFF. Discussion.
Reorganization report: Discussion of various reorganization proposals and reports. We will watch the situation very carefully.
Regional-campus status report: Discussion of the situation, including faculty morale.
Grievances: Four recent grievance actions, including one about summer assignments.
Publicity/communications: McColm will return to position after sabbatical.
Bargaining and bargaining summit: Discussion of bargaining situation. On the Bargaining Summit: we are advised that this is not a time to give back or compromise;we were also advised to take a broad look at university finances.Fall release assignments: To be submitted May 16 per agreement with Kofi Glover.
Meeting adjourned.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on May 5, 2008.