Adoption of the Agenda: Agenda was adopted after addition of an item (5a) on a Legislative post-mortem.
June meeting schedule: Meetings this summer will be on June 8 and 22, July 6 and 20.

Summer course appointments and cancellations: Privatized summer courses may be cancelled for low enrollment, and regular faculty assigned to those courses may lose their jobs. Discussion. Motion to make this a consultation topic passed and seconded.
Bargaining: Discussion of plans for upcoming bargaining of the 2007 – 2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Financial Code of Conduct Chapter Grievance: Discussion of a proposed settlement.
Legislative session post-mortem: FEA is doing a post-mortem on the previous legislative session. Discussion.
· Consultation: Topics for upcoming consultation(s).
· Grievances: Discussion of abuse of “letters of counsel”, T & P grievance denied, several calls (some grievable) recently taken; grievances will be in abeyance for three weeks as Kofi Glover will be out of town.
· Communications: The chapter will be forming a Publicity Committee and a group of regular writers.
· Treasury: The chapter is solvent.
· Political Action: Regarding special elections following Senator Argenziano’s departure from the senate. Discussion. Motion to recommend endorsement of Susan Franks, Democrat and Charlie Dean, Republican, in the Florida Senate District 3 primary. Motion to recommend endorsement of Sophia Diaz-Fonseca, Democrat, in the Florida House District 43 primary race. Both motions passed.
Over the horizon issues: Bill to restrict insurance benefits offered as alternatives for, say, domestic partners. Discussion.
Good of the Order: Steve Lang has co-authored a book: Assessing Teacher Competency.
Notes taken by G. McColm; submitted by J. Martin.