USF-UFF Chapter Meeting
Minutes, May 16, 2008

In attendance.

Sherman Dorn, Rod Evans, Susan Greenbaum, Hiba Hechiche, Mark Klisch, Jana Martin, Lynn McBrien, Greg McColm, Steve Permuth, Arthur Shapiro, Paul Terry, Bob Welker, Keith White, Sonya Wolmuth

Agenda & Introductions.

Agenda modified & approved.


  • We have several new members.
  • The union will use six release units this fall.
  • Faculty salaries are posted on the blog. The chapter approved posting information on jobs and compensation, but restricting use of identifying information.
  • UFF will be represented at AFL-CIO Central Labor Council functions to screen candidates.
  • Several faculty have received awards for published columns, letters to the editor, and responses to letters from legislators.There is some allocated award money left, and the Chapter approved applying the funds towards awards for the budget quiz — open to all members of the bargaining unit — at the Wednesday May 21 USF Faculty Senate meeting.

Budget Crunch Actions.


  • On Wednesday, May 21, President Genshaft will speak to reporters in the morning, to the Faculty Senate at 1:00 pm, and to the Board of Trustees at 3:30 pm.
  • President Dorn has informed higher education reporters of available unrestricted funds and argued for a “glide path” to a new funding structure.
  • There was a discussion of the likely actions, including effects on staff represented by AFSCME.

There was a discussion of possible reorganizations and changes in policy, and a motion by Susan Greenbaum:

  • Resolved:The USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida strongly recommends the immediate suspension of all efforts in progress to reorganize the colleges and subunits thereof pending further deliberation by the faculty and the substantial involvement of the faculty in considering, making and implementing any plans regarding such reorganization.
  • The resolution is to be transmitted to the UFF Biweekly Mailing list as a Biweekly Extra after email addresses to senior administrators and USF Senate Executive Committee members were added to the list.

Motion approved.


We were informed of four grievances, two of which involve apparent abuse of personel files:

  • Anonymous material may not be introduced into an evaluation file, except as an appropriately labeled student evaluation.
  • Annual evaluations must consist of an evaluation of performance during the year in question.


The treasurer reports satisfactory balances.
The Chapter approves supporting Nancy Tyson’s attendance at the NEA/AFT conference as an extension of the general principle of funding expenses if they are greater than what FEA/UFF will fund.
Summer Activities.
We will compose two surveys this summer.
Discussion of various items placed on, to be placed on, or may be placed on the table.

  • We will remind Provost Wilcox that implementation and adjustment of ICAR involves terms and conditions of employment, and therefore subject to the CBA.

Meeting Adjourned.
These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on May 17, 2008.