USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were twelve people in attendance, including eight of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum of the Council.

Agenda & Minutes.
The Agenda and the minutes for February 19 were approved.

Next Meeting.
The meeting schedule was adjusted:

  • Motion made and seconded: That the March 19 meeting be at Tampa, to be announced in a Biweekly Extra, and that the March 26 meeting be canceled, and that the Election meeting be on March 26 from 1 pm to 2 pm in SOC 384 to count ballots. Motion approved.

One new member, and one left for financial reasons.

Workload as a Legal Issue.
Last October, Senior Vice Provost issued a directive stating that no class assignment can be made with over 8.33 % FTE per credit hour. Disscussion.


  • President’s report: Current draft of House budget has a 3.5 % cut for SUS.
  • Grievances: Discussion of outstanding grievances.
  • Bargaining: Discussion of bargainng.
  • Treasury: We are solvent.
  • Communications Discussion of reports that administrators are telling faculty that the CBA is foisted on university by UFF.

Good of Order.
Two issues:

  • Some faculty are not receiving central administration broadcasts.
  • Motion made and seconded: That the president of the chapter request in consultation for a seminar or presentation regarding the use of accumulated sick leave, in reference to FMLA, from Human Relations. Motion approved unanimously.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on March 13, 2010.