USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Election. Here are the results of the election.

  • The President is Paul Terry.
  • The Vice President is Sonia Wohlmuth.
  • The Treasurer is Art Shapiro.
  • The Secretary is Greg McColm.
  • The UFF Senators are Ross Alander, Sherman Dorn, Celina Joszi, Smita Mathur, Greg McColm, David McMullen, Jerry Notaro, Adriana Novoa, Cynthia Patterson, Steve Permuth, Art Shapiro, Harry Vanden, Bob Welker, and Sonia Wohlmuth. The alternates are Marvin Karlins, Mariam Manur-Leiva, and John Noonan. Paul Terry serves ex officio.
  • The FEA Delagates are Smita Mathur, Greg McColm, Cynthia Patterson, Steve Permuth, Art Shapiro, Paul Terry, and Harry Vanden. The alternate is John Noonan.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the four elected officers and the chairs of the Bargaining and Grievance Committees, and therefore now consists of Greg McColm, Art Shapiro, Paul Terry, Bob Welker, and Sonia Wohlmuth. The Chapter Council consists of elected officers, Senators, Alternate Senators and, ex officio as non-voting members, the appointed chairs of the standing committees, and therefore now consists of Ross Alander, Sherman Dorn, Celina Joszi, Marvin Karlins, Smita Mathur, Mariam Manur-Leiva, Greg McColm, David McMullen, John Noonan , Jerry Notaro, Adriana Novoa, Cynthia Patterson, Steve Permuth, Art Shapiro, Paul Terry , Harry Vanden, Bob Welker, and Sonia Wohlmuth.

Hardcopies of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

  • Motion that the USF Chapter of the UFF print 2,000 copies of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Motion approved.

The contracts will be part of a packet sent to all members of the UFF USF Bargaining Unit.

USF Senates liaisons. The following UFF members are appointed to be liaisons with the USF Senates: Cynthia Patterson for the USFP Senate, Ross Alander for the USFSM Senate, Jerry Notaro for the USFSP Senate, and Stever Permuth for the USFT Senate.

Membership. We will resume lunch chats and flyers.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on April 3, 2011.