UFF/USF Chapter Meeting

June 8, 2007


In attendance
: S. Dorn, B. Welker, J. Martin, S. Ramírez Wohlmuth, M. Kaplan, M. Klisch, J. Noonan, B. Frank

Adoption of the Agenda: The agenda was adopted with a few additions.
Public Strategy Options:
S. Dorn discussed 3 options for public strategies that the chapter might want to take. These included the values/decency/opportunity triad, the ‘show me the indispensability’ option – whereby he used Genshaft’s salary as an example – and the ‘two universities’ problem, whereby USF is known as both a national research university and a regional, state university. These strategies were discussed by the group.
B. Welker discussed different tactics that the bargaining team is undertaking to gain some ground in specific areas. Mary Kaplan, one of 3 union members of the joint UFF/USF group to look at the Instructor Promotion Track process, will be the lead on the UFF side of the table for this important issue. Mark Klisch and Susan Greenbaum will fill out the UFF team.
Code of Conduct for Financial Functions Chapter Grievance:
It appears that both sides have come to an agreement on wording for this document, with minor tinkering on both sides. It still must pass muster with the BoT.
BoT Agenda Grievance:
While attending the last BoT meeting, the topic of peer-to-peer file sharing came up, and S. Dorn’s request to speak to the issue was not given to the chair of the Board, Rhea Law, who would have had to recognize him. Thus, he was not allowed to speak. It appears that the chapter may have to take this to arbitration.
Merit Raise Snafu:
The administration did not follow the language in the re-opener that was just signed a month or so ago. This is a huge mistake. There was much discussion on what the chapter should do about this.
FMHI Tenure & Promotion Guidelines:
These guidelines are not at the full university-wide level, and there was much discussion as to what role the chapter should take.
M. Klisch discussed the newest grievance, on non-renewal. He has received numerous phone calls on non-reappointment, tenure, and promotion – including one tenure denial.
The teams will meet in the afternoon on Thursday, June 14th. The UFF team has 3 proposals to offer at the table for this session.
S. Wohlmuth announced that the chapter is solvent.
Summer Consultation Topics:
Besides getting a full committee convened to finally look at the issue of the Instructor Promotion Track, other topics to place on the consultation agenda were discussed.
Other Business:
Ward Churchill’s situation at the University of Colorado came up as a possible issue in which the chapter might wish to become involved. There being no consensus that the chapter should, it was decided that those who felt inclined to do so should write an article on their perspective for the chapter newsletter.
Respectfully submitted by Jana Martin.