USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were fourteen people in attendance.
Agenda & Introductions.
Agenda approved and introductions made.
20 – 25 people have joined since April, and we will continue to advertise the benefits of membership.
Layoffs & Reorganization.
Discussion: We are aware of two layoffs, but UFF is not in receipt of any layoff notices as of yet. ISLAC is being physically moved, but no one knows where; ISLAC is losing 33% of its operating budget and 52 % of its personnel budget.
Discussion of the Survey the Chapter moved forward last meeting.

  • Motion by McColm, seconded by Welker: That we expand the scope of the survey to cover the entire upper level administration. In discussion, “upper level” is meant to mean a 360 evaluation of the central administration, vice presidential level and above. Motion approved.

Regional Campuses.
Discussion of surveys.

  • Motion by McCook, seconded by Jevitt, amended by Welker: That we take attendance but not post it. Motion approved (and in effect as of these minutes).

The Chief Negotiator reported to the Chapter.
The Chapter has filed a grievance on the lack of notice received by the Chapter on layoffs, on an inappropriate layoff, and on annual leave.
Meeting Adjourned.
These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on June 29, 2008.