UFF/USF Meeting

June 22, 2007


Present: S. Dorn, M. Klisch, B. Welker, G. McColm, S. Lang, J. Noonan, R. Weatherford, S. Wohlmuth, B. Frank.

The meeting agenda was approved. S. Dorn initiated a discussion of public strategy options. Among items discussed were President Genshaft’s raise and the delay in merit raises for faculty.
B. Welker gave a report on bargaining and enumerated proposals already under discussion including faculty sabbaticals, work conditions (including health issues), salary issues such as the need for a salary study to assure that there are no inequities relative to gender and ethnicity, and the ability to bargain initial salaries. (He noted that 66 out of 67 school districts in Florida have pertinent bargaining language.)
M. Klisch provided information on recently filed grievances. The chapter grievance with the BOT seems to have been resolved through creation of a mechanism allowing Chapter President Dorn to speak on issues pertinent to terms and conditions of employment. Two grievances have been filed by faculty.
The treasurer reported on the current balance in checking and savings accounts. The summer rebate check will be issued soon.
S. Dorn requested input for the summer consultation. It was suggested that UFF continue to pursue items from spring that have had no action.
G. McColm requested contributions from UFF members for the summer and fall biweeklies.
R. Weatherford reported on political action of UFF and its affiliates. The recommended candidates in the recent primaries were successful. He also announced that he will be looking for a replacement on the Florida Central Labor Council.
S. Dorn discussed membership recruitment strategies including participation at a breakfast for new hires. Overall, the most successful strategy seems to have been presentations at departmental meetings. This venue provides personal contact, allows department members to discuss issues of local concern, and provides an opportunity to collect data on the unit. Also successful were the tenure workshops. S. Lang was interested in expanding these to the regional campuses.
Submitted by Sonia Ramírez Wohlmuth and Jana Martin