USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were sixteen people in attendance.

Meeting Rule.
Because of much business, a 3 minute rule for statements was put in place.

Discussion of membership growth.

Amendment to the Constitution.
An amendment was proposed.

  • Motion to propose an amendment to Article VI made and seconded. To change language FROM “This constitution may be amended as follows: A proposed amendment shall be distributed to all members at least thirty days prior to a vote. A constitutional amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of all those present at the time of the vote.” TO “The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 20% of the chapter membership (by petition), or the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the constitution, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification requires approval of two-thirds of those voting.” Motion passed by unanimous vote; the amendment will be presented for approval at the August 28 Chapter meeting.

Amendment to the Bylaws.
An amendment was proposed.

  • Motion to amend Article VI made and seconded. To change language FROM “A vote of two-thirds of those present and voting at a membership meeting if the members have been notified at least two weeks in advance may amend the Bylaws.” TO “The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 20% of the chapter membership (by petition), or the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the constitution, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification requires approval of two-thirds of those voting.” Motion passed by unanimous vote; the amendment will be presented for approval at the August 28 Chapter meeting.

Two Motions on Impasse.
Bargaining between AFSCME and USF are now at impasse.

  • Motion made and seconded that our local provide AFSCME 3342 with support needed as they conduct impasse hearings. Motion passed.

And another motion.

  • Motion made and seconded Be it resolved that the USF Board of Trustees is not the proper legal legislative body to impose impasse resolutions; FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida requests assistance from the United Faculty of Florida and its state affiliate, the Florida Education Association, in contesting the USF Board of Trustees as the legislative body for impasse hearings. Motion passed unanimously.

English Language Institute- status report.
There was a report on the English Language Institute.

Treasurer report.
We have money.

Grievance report.
The Grievance chair reported on grievances.

Bargaining report.
The Bargaining chair reported on bargaining.

These minutes respectfully submitted by K. de la Pena McCook on August 10, 2009.