UFF/USF Chapter Meeting
January 25, 2008
Lakeland Campus


In attendance: P. Terry, S. Mathur, R. Evans, M. Klisch, B. Welker, R. Weatherford, S. Wohlmuth, K. de la Peña McCook, J. Martin, C. Knight, S. Permuth, S. Dorn, M. Moats, G. McColm

Adoption of the Agenda: The agenda was adopted as presented on the whiteboard.
January 29th Presidential Preference Primary and Referendum:
S. Dorn announced these two simultaneous election events and reminded folks once again to vote no on the tax referendum.
Chapter Elections:
S. Dorn announced that the next meeting, February 8th, would be the meeting for ‘stuffing of the election materials’ into the envelopes for mailing to chapter members – not ballot stuffing! These ballots would then be due back to the UFF/USF office by Wednesday, March 5, and would be counted at the Friday, March 7th meeting.
State Budget; USF Budget:
This discussion item enticed Steve Permuth to produce a ‘white paper’ entitled, Thoughts on the Budget Crisis, which he distributed at the meeting. S. Dorn had some ‘thoughts’ in response. He wrote his comments on the whiteboard at the head of the classroom where the meeting was being held. The group present discussed both sets of ‘thoughts’ at length, including what UFF/USF could implement concerning collective bargaining, and/or recommend concerning retirement alternatives, various administrative practices (including teaching), and many, many other items.
Regional Campus Issues:
These issues are fluid. In Lakeland, there is preparation underway for a survey, although there is some discussion as to why one is being done on that campus, how the results will be used. It is obvious that more groundwork needs to be laid here in Lakeland, as the climate is not terribly friendly. Issues for collective bargaining need to be identified in terms of workload and accreditation for regional campuses.
Restructuring of UFF Statewide:
There is some discussion across the state locals about diverting some of the chapter rebate funds to hire more area service directors. This issue is coming up at the Council of Presidents meeting this weekend. The UFF Senate had approved a 3rd position assuming that the national affiliates would shoulder the funding for it, but this has not been forthcoming.

Legal Issues:

  • Travel ban: There has been a lawsuit filed in state court; this is not the same as the lawsuit that was filed in federal court last year.
  • Graham-Frey: This lawsuit will be refiled; the judge in the case had ruled that the plaintiffs, including the Board of Governors, did not have standing to sue in state court.
  • Unfair Labor Practice: There was some discussion on this topic.
  • Code of Financial Conduct: The faculty senate executive committee has approved this and it has gone forward to the Board of Trustees Finance and Audit Workgroup already. There was a discussion of the chapter grievance.

Voluntary System of Accountability:
Raised by FIU President Mitch Maidique at the Board of Governors meeting, this is the third piece of the learning outcomes initiative. The testing part is raising a ruckus with administration as well as with faculty. It will be on the March Board of Trustees agenda as a recommendation that USF will do a 200-student volunteer group of seniors for this ‘college learning assessment’.
The bargaining team is waiting for Kofi Glover to return.
Report on ongoing grievances.
S. Dorn is keeping The BiWeekly going while G. McColm is on sabbatical leave.
The chapter is in need of more candidates for senate, as well as someone to take over the office of Secretary.
The rebate check has just come in.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2008 in EDU 413 to stuff the election envelopes for mailing!
Respectfully submitted by Jana Martin.