USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were fifteen people in attendance, including ten of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum of the Council.

Agenda & Minutes.
The Agenda and the minutes for January 8 were approved.

Scheduling of meetings.
Possible meeting days for the Chapter were discussed.

  • Motion made and seconded to hold Chapter meetings at noon. Motion approved.

The following schedule was determined: the Chapter will meet at Tampa on February 5 and 19, March 5 and 26, April 9 and 23, and May 21. The Chapter will meet at St. Petersburg on March 19 and at Polytech on May 7. Locations TBA.

Report on MOU ratification.
The MOU was ratified by 94 % of the voting members of the UFF Bargaining Unit, and by the BOT, with one negative vote. Discussion of Polytech’s non-involvement in the retirement plan.

Blackboard and lecture-capture survey.
Discussion of Blackboard upgrade and resulting support problems.

USF has entered into a 30-year contract with INTO to recruit and provide preliminary English language instruction to foreign students. We will seek information on the contract and the arrangements.

David Caton, Oracle, academic freedom in teaching.
Discussion of recent controversy over a course in Queer Studies.

  • Motion made and seconded that the Communications Chair compose a draft of a letter on Academic Freedom, with reference to the Queer Studies course controversy, to be vetted by members of the fac-activism list, and once approved, to be submitted to The Oracle. Motion passes 6-4.


  • Grievances. Outstanding cases were discussed.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of the Administration’s proposed language for Article 13.
    • Motion made and seconded that the Communications Committee will broadcast some kind of special alert regarding the posting of a Bargaining Page. Motion passed.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on January 24, 2010.