USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were thirteen members in attendance, including eleven of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum. There were two guests.

Introductions and minutes.
Previous minutes approved.

There will be a membership campaign in spring.

  • Motion made and seconded: Resolved, the deadline for a rebate of $ 300 for new members, to be made at the end of June, 2011, be extended to Friday, March 11. Motion approved. NOTE: the effect of this action is that all new members joining by January 31 shall receive their rebate in May, while those joining between February 1 and the Friday before Spring Break shall receive their rebate at the end of the fiscal year. This action temporarily modifies the standing policy that new members shall receive a rebate of $ 300 after being a member for a full academic term; this modification shall be announced as appropriate.

The dates of the first Lunch Chats were set to be February 2 at USFSP, February 9 at USFSM, February 16 and USFP, and February 23 at USFT. The Lunch Chats will be accompanied by organizing efforts.
UFF Executive Director Ed Mitchell stressed the particular importance of the recruitment effort.

Separate Rebate Issue.
Two former UFF members experienced communication errors concerning their status.

  • Motion made and seconded to proved a rebate of $ 300 to each of these two former members. This action shall not be a precedent for other rebates. Motion approved.


  • Grievances. Discussion of six outstanding grievances.
  • Political Action. The committee is considering options.
  • Faculty Senates & Advisory Council. Report and discussion.
  • Communications. Update of efforts to update website.
  • Treasure. We are solvent.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on January 15, 2011.