USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were ten people in attendance, including nine of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum of the Council.

Agenda & Minutes.
The Agenda and the minutes for January 22 were approved.

Standing Rules.
Standing rules adapted from those of the UFF Senate were proposed.

  • Motion made and seconded: to adapt the following standing rules for chapter meetings:
    1. All motions shall be submitted to the Secretary or presiding officer in writing at the time the motion is presented on the floor.
    2. Each speaker during debate will be permitted two minutes of floor time.
    3. No one may speak twice on the debate item unless all who wish to speak have spoken at least once.
    4. At the close of debate on the item, if only one side has been heard, if a person wishes to speak on the other side, he/she will be recognized by the chair.

    Motion to amend made and seconded: to strike items # 2, 3, 4. Motion to amend defeated. Then main motion approved.

In discussion the President observed that with unanimous consent, the standing rules can be waived, and lacking unanimous consent – with or without support of the chair – a participant can request a vote on a waive by the body.

Report on membership.

At the next meeting, we will be stuffing envelopes

Report on Grievances.
Discussion of outstanding grievances. Also a discussion of USF’s feral cat policy.

Report on Bargaining.
We are waiting on the BOT team.

Report on Treasury.
We are solvent.

Report on Communications.
We are working on the site.

Report on Political Action.

Report of the Chapter President.

Good of the Order.
Discussion of the tenure clock.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on February 6, 2010.