USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Agenda & Introductions.
Ten people were in attendance. The agenda was approved.

The minutes were approved.

We continue to get new members. The chapter will conduct the study approved on January 30.

Chapter and Local Elections.
Chapter and local elections are underway.

Legislative Action.
Members are encouraged to participate in legislative action by contacting legislators, especially on March 3 on own or on March 18 with UFF group.


  • Grievances. Seven grievances were discussed.

  • Political action. The local Labor Council will be meeting shortly.

  • Faculty Senate. The representative of the Faculty Senate discussed four outstanding issues.

  • Treasury. Reporting requirements for non-profits have changed, and the chapter will file a return.

  • Communications. The form and format of communications will be under review this summer.

  • Bargaining. Issues in upcoming bargaining were discussed.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on March 5, 2009.