UFF/USF Chapter Meeting

February 22, 2008

Sarasota Campus

In attendance: N. Spaid, B. Welker, M. Klisch, L. McBrien, S. Dorn, B. Butler, J. Benowitz, P. Jones, S. Permuth, J. Martin, W. Mo.

The meeting convened at 1:08 p.m.

Adoption of the Agenda: The agenda was adopted as presented.
Introductions: Those present introduced themselves.
Vote Count Reminder: Don’t forget the March 7, 2008 UFF/USF chapter meeting in EDU 214 on the Tampa campus. Votes will be counted for the recent chapter elections, and announced at the meeting.
Tenure-Track Workshops: There will be workshops in Tampa for tenure-track members (there will be membership forms for those who aren’t members) in early March. Later workshops are planned for the other campuses.
Mileage Reimbursement Forms: Please submit forms to either S. Dorn or S. Wohlmuth. The chapter pays mileage between campuses for chapter business, according to the state UFF rate.
February 21 Consultation:
Senior Vice President and Provost Ralph Wilcox and Senior Vice Provost Dwayne Smith met with Sherman Dorn and Mark Klisch to discuss the budget situation and its impact on faculty. Dorn and Klisch brought up a few topics and so did the administrative side.
Legislative Agenda:
A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously for there to be drawings for gift cards to Powell’s Books (an online, unionized bookstore) for those people who are successful in getting letters to the editor published, or who write letters to their legislators and get letters back from them in return. The letters need to address the budget crisis and its effect on the university and higher education in general. Details of said drawing will be worked out by the chapter executive committee. There was also discussion of having chapter members go to Tallahassee to talk directly with members of the legislature on the issue.
Regional Campus Concerns:
March Board of Trustees Meeting: The Mission Path document for the regionals is on the agenda – separate accreditation for these campuses.
Short-term Issues:
–Workload/voice Dilemma
–Tenure-track Faculty
Long-term Issues:
–Research Identity
–Teaching Load
In the discussion on these concerns, there were other issues brought up besides the ones that S. Dorn had listed, such as campus identity, and the issues surrounding promotion. Primary assignment is a major issue for faculty on these campuses. “Am I tenured to my department or to my college in Tampa?”
There is a lot on the table right now, when bargaining resumes on March 7, 2008. Many of the items were discussed.
No grievances have been filed in the last two weeks, but one employee has just realized that they have not been receiving the increase that was retroactive to October, 2006.
There being no New Business or Good of the Order, the meeting adjourned at 2:08 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2008 in EDU 413 to count the votes from the UFF/USF elections! Please come and help out!
Respectfully submitted by Jana Martin.