USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were twelve members in attendance, including twelve of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum.

Discussion of membership drive in spring.

Elections in spring.
All offices and representative positions will be open in the spring election.

  • Motion made and seconded: Resolved, that there be a Chapter Meeting on December 17 to select an Elections Committee. Motion approved.

November 17 minutes approved.

President’s report.
Discussion of outstanding issues.

  • SUS Chapter President’s discussion.
  • Regarding the petition by the Manhattan College Adjunct Faculty Union, Motion made and seconded that the USF Chapter approve the following statement: “We are deeply concerned that the Administration is spending valuable College resources in an effort to disenfranchise adjunct faculty from their federal right to vote for or against a union in a fair and democratic election. We do not believe a union election poses any threat now, or in the future, to Manhattan College’s mission or Catholic heritage. As a matter of conscience and in the spirit of academic freedom and Catholic social teachings, we urge you to direct your legal team to immediately drop their objections at the National Labor Relations Board and allow Manhattan College’s adjunct faculty to vote for themselves on the question of unionization.” Motion passed.
  • Motion made and seconded that “Whereas Keith White has served his colleagues as a union activist, member of the USF bargaining team, and friend and colleague, Resolved, that the USF Chapter thanks Keith White for your years of faithful and concerted service in the interests of fellow members, the bargaining unit, and higher education.” Motion passed.
  • UFF disagrees with the Administration’s interpretation of Article 23.
  • The grievance clock (on the 30-day limit for filing grievances) will be stopped over Winter Break as usual this year, from December 13 to January 10.


  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances.
  • Communications. Motion made and seconded to authorize the expenditure of up to $ 2,500 for upgrading the website and associated email system. Motion passed.
  • Political Action. The committee is considering options.
  • Services. Discussion of organizing activities.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on December 31, 2010.