USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were ten people in attendance.

Agenda & Introductions.
The agenda was approved.

The minutes from the November 14 meeting were approved.

We are steadily gaining new members.

The contract was ratified by the Bargaining Unit over the previous few days, and the Board of Trustees yesterday.

Chapter Election.
The Chapter created an Election Committee, to be chaired by Steve Tauber. Jerry Notaro is appointed to the committee and Sherman Dorn is empowered to make additional appointments to the committee as he sees fit. The Chapter agreed that nominations shall be due on January 30, and nominations shall include contact information for the forms required by the state office. The UFF Biweekly Extra of the first week of classes and the UFF Biweekly of the second week, along with the Winter edition of Uncommon Sense, shall announce the election and call for nominations. On March 27, ballots will be counted.

Spring schedule.
Moved, seconded, and approved without objection, that the chapter adopt the following meeting dates in spring, all but : January 16, 30, February 13 (in Sarasota), 27, March 13, 27, April 10 (in Lakeland/Polytech), 24, May 8, 22, June 5 (in St. Petersburg), 19. All but the three noted meetings will be at USF-Tampa, and those during the spring semester shall be at a place TBA.

There will be a proposal to change the annual calendar for the UFF Senate this January, and so there will be a proposal to make a corresponding change in the chapter election cycle.


  • Grievances. Discussion of concluded and ongoing grievances, and of grievance policy.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of the bargaining situation.
  • Political Action. Discussion of current priorities.
  • Treasury. We have money.
  • Communications. There will be a Biweekly Extra during the first week of classes, announcing the meeting schedule and the call for nominations. The call for nominations will also appear in the Winter Uncommon Sense.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on December 12, 2008.