USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were thirteen members in attendance, including twelve of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum.


  • Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes. Motion approved.

Discussion of event for new faculty and professionals.

  • Motion made and seconded to authorize the expenditure of chapter funds for an event to welcome new faculty and professionals. Motion approved.

The treasurer presented a proposed budget.

  • Motion made and seconded to approve the budget. Motion approved.

Discussion of the impasse situation.

  • Motion made and seconded to purchase “UFF ‘ASK ME ABOUT LAYOFFS'” buttons for chapter members to wear and to distribute. Motion approved.

Chapter Schedule.
The chapter schedule was set for this semester.

  • Motion made and seconded that the Chapter shall meet at noon on alternate Fridays, on September 10 & 24, October 8 & 22, November 5 & 19, and December 2, at a place TBA on USF –Tampa except at those times the Chapter schedules it to meet at other campuses. Motion approved.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on August 29, 2010.