USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Attendance. There were nine members in attendance, including seven members of the Chapter Council.


  • Our new elected officers are Paul Terry (president), Sonia Wohlmuth (vice president), Greg McColm (secretary), and Art Shapiro (treasurer)/
  • The Executive Committee (and Chief Negotiator Bob Welker) will meet monthly with Vice Provost Kofi Glover, in charge of Human Resources Management and Space Planning.
  • New Acting and Nominated Committee Chairs: Jerry Notaro for the Political Committee and Mariam Manzur-Leiva for the Services Committee. Dr. Manzur-Leiva will be assisted by a Membership Consultant, Muslim Ali, through June.

Treasury. The Treasurer was absent, but we are solvent.

Minutes. Minutes for the March 25 meeting approved.

Faculty Senates. President Terry and Chief Negotiator Welker will attend Faculty Advisory Council meetings. There will be four liaisons to the for faculty senates:

  • Cynthia Patterson for USF Polytechnic.
  • Ross Alander for USF Sarasota/Manatee.
  • Jerry Notaro for USF Saint Petersburg.
  • Steve Permuth for USF Tampa.

Membership. USF experienced a net gain of 110 members during the last year, the greatest in the SUS system.

Grievances. Vice Provost Glover will be out of town April 8 ? June 20, so there will be a moratorium on non-emergency grievances; the clock will be stopped.

Communications. Discussion

  • Motion made and seconded to suspend publication of UnCommon Sense for now. Funds to be applied towards developing a brochure for new employees of the Bargaining Unit. Motion approved.
  • Motion made and seconded to grant the Executive Committee authority to spend up to $ 500 for a video to be posted, so that it’s URL may be distributed electronically. Motion approved.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on April 9, 2011.