USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Agenda & Introductions.
Thirteen people were in attendance.

Annual evaluations.
Discussion of problems and irregularities in annual evaluations.

Discussion of problems with summer assignments.

Legislative action.
There was a discussion of developments in Tallahassee.


  • Grievances.
    Discussion of grievances and potential grievances.

  • Bargaining.
    The contract expires August 6.

  • Treasury.
    We are solvent.

  • Membership.
    Motion to have luncheon with high-profile politician, and to set up an awards program for union people. Motion seconded, and passed unanimously. A committee for these events was appointed: K. de la Pena McCook (chair), J. Martin & G. McColm.

  • USF-Saint Petersburg.
    USF St. Petersburg is hemorrhaging faculty; discussion of underlying problems and possible reaction by SACS.

  • USF-Sarasota.
    Discussion of Sarasota.

Good of the Order.
There are three bronze bulls in the square before the new Student Union.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on April 16, 2009.