Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.
Attendance. Nineteen members, including ten members of the Council, and one staff member and one guest.
President’s Report & Essential Issues.
- Budget Cut Process. Discussion. There are lots of rumors going around. Discussion of steps that the Administration may take.
- Opening School in Spring. Discussion.
- COVID-19 Infection Report. USF’s dashboard was rated C+ by COVID-19 Dashboard Ratings.
- Consolidation. We understand that some administrators are leaving.
New Business.
- USF Sarasota / Manatee. The Administration is restricting intra-faculty communication. Discussion.
- USF St. Petersburg. The Crow’s Nest reported on some complaints about consolidation.
Committee Reports.
- Grievances. Discussion.
- Membership. Discussion.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
- Bargaining. Discussion.
These minutes respectfully submitted on 18 October 2020.