USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held in EDU 161 on USF Tampa.

Attendance. Seven UFF members, including five members of the Council, and three guests.

Minutes. Minutes from the March 24 meeting approved.

The Election. The Chapter finalized the results of the fall election. The Election Committee received 69 ballots, with the following results.

  • The Executive Committee.
    • For Art Shapiro for president: 60.
    • For Steve Lang for vice president: 59.
    • For Greg McColm for secretary: 61.
    • For Sonia Wohlmuth for treasurer: 60.
  • The Senate. USF was allocated one seat for each 25 members, or “majority thereof,” and thus was allocated 21 seats. One of these is occupied by the president, ex officio. The eighteen nominated candidates are thus elected: Henry Alegria (53), Adrienne Berarducci (50), Karin Braunsberger (52), Pablo Brescia (53), Sheila Goethe (51), Leon Hardy (52), Steve Lang (55), Richard Manning (51), Greg McColm (59), Kathleen de la Pena McCook (56), Adriana Novoa (53), Vic Peppard (59), Steve Permuth (55), Scott Perry (53), Patricia Pettijohn (54), Frank Pyrtle III (47), Robert Welker (52), and Sonia Wohlmuth (57). One write-in candidate, Deanna Michael, received two votes and thus was elected. Of the remaining write-in candidates, all of who got one vote each, Fred Pearce was chosen by lot and is thus a senator; Candace Burns, Peter Funke, and Johanna Lasonen shall be alternates. The remaining write-in candidates were either ineligible or declined to serve by the April 7 deadline.
  • The Assembly. The allocation of delegate seats to the Assembly is uncertain, but USF shall be allocated at least seven seats. Thus the four nominated candidates are thus elected: Greg McColm (60), Steve Permuth (58), Art Shapiro (59), and Milton Wendland (55). Three write-in candidates also received more than one vote each and are thus elected: Steve Lang (3), Deanna Michael (2), and Scott Perry (3). USF may be allocated more seats, at most eleven, so the chapter ranked the four candidates (who had one vote each) by lot, in order: Fred Pearce, Richard Manning, Patricia Pettijohn, and Johanna Lasonen.


  • Lowry Park. Not all recipients of gift cards picked them up, and so the gift cards will be mailed to the recipients.
  • Divestment Campaign. A student group is exploring the possibility of a campaign to encourage the USF Foundation to divest from certain corporations.
  • Summer Recruitment. The Chapter will explore a proposal for recruiting new members during late spring and summer, with almost the same benefits.
  • Travel Scholarships. Applications are due April 21, and recipients will be chosen by lot at the April 22 chapter meeting.


  • Membership. We will start planning for new faculty orientation in August. We should inform instructors of what UFF has done for them.
  • Bargaining. Officially starts in October 18.

Decertification. There is a bill to decertify public employee unions of membership density less than 50 %.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 10 April 2017.