USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm on USF Tampa in EDU 314.

Attendance & Introductions. Fifteen members, including thirteen members of the council.

Minutes of 25 March 2016 Meeting. Approved.

President’s Report

  • The membership campaign. Staff support is problematic, and President Shapiro is asking FEA for support.
  • UFF’s new office. We have been moved into a tiny room, and are requesting more space.
  • USFSP Environmental Studies Program. Discussion.
  • Evaluation of the deans. Discussion.

Old Business

  • Travel Scholarships. The deadline for submissions is April 21. There are currently 13 submissions, and more are expected. Six will be selected by lot for $ 500 each. Discussion of possible modifications for next round.

New Business
The Chapter went over the ad hoc report on membership. The Chapter made three decisions:

  • The Chapter shall spend more time reviewing the report and composing plans for improving the Chapter. In particular, the theme of the April 22 Chapter Meeting will be the Communications component of the report.
  • The April 22 meeting shall be experimental, and we will try two innovations. First, the theme subject, the Communications component of the membership report, will be the first item of business (after introductions and approval of the minutes of the current meeting). Second, the meeting will be conducted in EDU 314 on USF Tampa and a room TBD on USF St. Petersburg, over an audio-visual connection.
  • The Chapter will continue to explore the report. In addition, the Chapter Council will meet on Friday, May 13, to consider the report.


  • Grievances. A presentation of Article 11 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement on annual evaluations.
  • Membership. The state office of UFF has proposed an early membership alternative. Discussion.

The results of the election shall be reported to Tallahassee and to the Council by April 15. These are the results:

  • The elected officers: President Art Shapiro, Vice President Steve Lang, Secretary Greg McColm, Treasurer Sonia Wohlmuth.
  • The UFF senators: President Shapiro serves ex officio. The following fifteen candidates were elected outright: Karin Braunsberger, Pablo Brescia, Barnali Dixon, Cecil Greek, Steve Lang, Mariam Manzur Leiva, Greg McColm, Deanna Michael, Adriana Novoa, Steve Permuth, Patricia Pettijohn, Frank Pyrtle III, Bob Welker, Rick Wilber, Sonia Wohlmuth. There remained seven (write-in) candidates tied, and the tie was broken by lot. The four additional senators are Adrienne Berarducci, Sara Dykins Callahan, Tina Malone, and Vic Peppard. The three alternates are, in order of rank by lot, Candace Burns, Andrew Berish, and Scott Perry.
  • The FEA delegates: The following six candidates were elected outright: Steve Lang, Mariam Manzur Leiva, Greg McColm, Deanna Michael, Steve Permuth, and Art Shapiro. There remained four (write-in) candidates tied, but Sheila Goethe elected to serve as an alternate, so the three-way tie was broken by lot. The seventh delegate is Adrienne Berarducci, and the remaining alternates are Candace Burns and E. J. Ford.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 8 April 2016.