USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon in EDU 214 on USF Tampa.

Attendance and introductions. Twenty members, including eleven members of the Chapter Council, and three guests.

Presentation by Mark Danish. Mark Danish is a candidate for Florida House Seat # 63, and more information about him, and how to assist his campaign, are available from his website.

  • Motion made and seconded to endorse Mark Danish for Florida House Seat # 63. Motion passed unanimously.

Note: Mark Danish has already been endorsed by the West Central Florida Federation of Labor.

President’s report. Update on faculty and professionals from the former USF Polytechnic.


  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances, including tenure cases.
  • Membership. Volunteers will begin organizing.
  • Communications. Discussion.
  • Bargaining. Discussion.

No old business.

New business.

  • Motion from the Executive Committee: Resolved, that proxies for the UFF Senate shall be collected and distributed in the following manner: first to alternates attending the Senate meeting, in alphabetical order, and then to attending senators, in order of votes received in the previous election. Motion approved unanimously.
  • During the next three to four weeks, volunteers for the Obama campaign will be coming to Florida for a week or longer, and they will require board. Anyone willing to offer a place to sleep for a volunteer is encouraged to contact Steve Permuth or Kirby Henslee at (813) 527-4084.

    These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 8 September 2012.