USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. 12 noon at the CDB Restaurant at 3104 E. Fowler Ave.

Minutes. Minutes of the May 24 meeting approved.

Attendance. Eight UFF members, the grievance secretary, and two guests.

President’s Report.

  • BoT Meeting. Met incoming President Currall.
  • Recognition of President Genshaft. The UFF reception for President Genshaft is being planned for June 18 from 4:30-6:30 at Top of the Palms. The reception is being organized by Debbie Sinclair, Art Shapiro, Ed Mitchell, and Carol DiDomenico, who will be receiving RSVPs.

    New Business

    One hundred ballots on the referenda to amend the UFF USF Constitution and Bylaws were received by the deadline, and they were tallied. These are the results:

    • Shall Article IV, Section 2 of the UFF USF Constitution be changed as follows?

      Nominations shall be closed and all nomination materials shall be due by February 28. The elected officers and Senators representatives shall be elected annually on or before March 21 31, and shall take office on the following April 1.

      Results: 99 in favor, one opposed. A two-thirds majority of votes cast being in favor, the Constitution is so amended.

    • Shall Article II, Section I of the UFF USF Bylaws be changed as follows?

      Standing Committees shall be:

      1. Bargaining Committee
      2. Grievance Committee
      3. Services Membership Committee
      4. Communications Committee
      5. Political Action Government Relations Committee

      Results: 98 in favor, two opposed. A majority of votes cast being in favor, the Bylaws are amended.

    • Shall Article IV, Section 6 of the UFF USF Bylaws be changed as follows?

      The Political Action Government Relations Committee shall cooperate, upon the approval of the chapter at a chapter meeting, with the State UFF in lobbying, endorsing candidates, and raising contributions. The Chairperson of the Political Action Government Relations Committee shall be the an official nominee to the State UFF Political Action-Legislative Committee and West Central Florida Central Labor Council unless otherwise determined by the President and/or Chapter Council.

      Results: 98 in favor, two opposed. A majority of votes cast being in favor, the Bylaws are amended.

    • Shall Article V of the UFF USF Bylaws be changed as follows?

      Before the end of the fall semester of each academic year, the chapter shall elect an Elections a Nominations and Election Committee (which is not a standing committee) of union members to design an election process, subject to the advice and consent of the chapter; solicit nominations for office and representative positions; conduct the election; and report the results. Members of the Elections Nominations and Election Committee shall be barred from running for executive office, and all candidates for executive offices in contested races shall be barred from canvassing or counting ballots.

      Results: 98 in favor, two opposed. A majority of votes cast being in favor, the Bylaws are amended.

    The Secretary shall post the Constitution and Bylaws as so amended.


    • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances, of which there are a lot.
    • Collective Bargaining. Discussion.

    These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 17 June 2019.