USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 11 am in room COQ on USF St. Petersburg.

Attendance & Introductions. Ten members, including three members of the Chapter Council, and one guest.

Minutes of the previous meeting. Approved.

President’s Report. Paul Terry has informed us that he does not intend to run for the UFF USF Chapter presidency this election. Dr. Wohlmuth’s husband recently died, and that and the growth of the chapter has made it necessary to reorganize the Chapter’s grievance operations. Discussion of upcoming Board of Trustee’s meetings, which are (from the BOT calendar):

  • February 13, 9 am in MSC 3707, the Finance and Audit Workgroup.
  • February 13, 12:30 pm in MSC 3707, the Academic and Campus Environment Workgroup.
  • March 6, 9:30 pm in the MSC Ballroom, a regular meeting.
  • April 24, 8 am in MSC 3700, the Health Workgroup.
  • April 24, 10:30 am in MSC 3700, the Research, Innovation, Engagement and Job Creation Workgroup.
  • May 22, 9 am in MSC 3707, the Finance and Audit Workgroup.
  • May 22, 12:30 pm in MSC 3707, the Academic and Campus Environment Workgroup.
  • June 5, 9:30 am in the USF St. Petersburg Student Center, a regular meeting.

Committee Reports.

  • Elections Committee. The site is open for nominations; deadline March 7.
  • Greivances. The Grievance Committee is getting organized. Discussion of tenure and promotion cases. Discussion of tenure and promotion workshops, likely time would be October.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Bargaining. In Professor Welker’s absence, the report was made by UFF Executive Director Ed Mitchell. Discussion of the situation.

The next Chapter Meeting will be on Friday, February 21, at 12 noon, on USF Sarasota Manatee, in a room TBD. The Chapter Council will meet on Friday, March 7, at 11 am.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 9 February 2014.