USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held in USC 258 in USF St. Petersburg.

Attendance. Nine UFF members, including seven members of the Council, and one guest.

Minutes. Minutes from the Sept. 22 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • UFF Senate Meeting. The Chapter will cover hotel bills for UFF members attending the UFF Senate Meeting.
  • UFF and USF Pre-eminence. At the USF Tampa Faculty Senate Meeting, President Genshaft recognized President Shapiro, who complimented her and Provost Wilcox and Dr. Smith and Dr. Glover for working together on facilitating the achievement.
  • Benefits Fairs. Motion made and seconded to pay for a table at the Oct. 18 Benefits Fair on USFSP campus.
  • UFF Senate Meeting. The UFF Senate Meeting is on Oc.t 21 – 22, and there will be a number of amendments to the constitution and bylaws.

New Business.

  • Situation at USFSP. Discussion of the Administrative situation.


  • Grievances. It is not clear if USF will defend a faculty member who is sued for reporting a Title IX violation on the job. UFF will defend a UFF member in that situation.
  • Treasurer’s Report. The following budget was presented for approval:

    Items Expenditures 2016 Proposed 2017
    Printing 19,000 19,000
    Chapter & Committee Meetings 8,000 6,000
    Mileage reimbursements 1,600 3,500
    Travel scholarships 6,500 9,000
    Postal services 320 1,500
    Office Supplies 160
    Web / Survey Monkey 362
    Office Move 320
    Website and social media * 2,000
    Miscellaneous 200 ?
    Recruitment (personnel) 10,000
    Recruitment (events) 6,000
    TOTAL 36,462 57,000

    Motion made and seconded to approve the budget. Motion approved.

Good of the Order.
Karin Braunsberger is organizing a Womens’ Caucus within but independent of USF.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 22 October 2017.