USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU261.

Attendance. Six UFF members, including six members of the Council, and one staff.

Minutes. Minutes of the November 22 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • Currall’s reception. Occurred on November 21, and we have the photographs taken then.
  • Flags. We have purchased the flags for events.
  • BOT meeting. President Shapiro spoke at the meeting, and congratulated President Currall on his arrival.
  • Consolidation. Discussion of likely developments.
  • Susan Ariew. Recovering.
  • Membership Campaign. The state office will hire UFF members to help with the recruiting campaign in spring. The Executive and Membership committees will meet in January to finalize plans.

New Business.

  • Salary equity across campuses. Discussion.
  • Job codes. The job codes currently listed in Appendix A of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 86, 87) are legacy language, i.e. at least two decades old. There is a university task force to update them, and this will impact bargaining the next contract.
  • Election Committee. The Chapter elected an Election Committee to conduct the Spring 2020 Chapter Election. It is the intention of the Chapter that it will be conducted in coordination with the recruiting campaign. The members selected by the Chapter are Michael Berson, Chris Davis, Leon Hardy, Barbara Lewis, Vic Peppard, Debra Sinclair, Lisa Starks, and Sandra Stone. [Note: Starks is unable to serve.]
  • Travel Scholarships. The following members were selected (in order) for travel scholarships. The first six shall receive scholarships; the next three are alternates, in that order. Evangeline Linkous, Norma Alcantar, Lisa Starks, Abdelwahab Hechiche, Shun-Yung Kevin Wang, Ambar Basu, Michael Berson, Brook Sadler, and Jamie Sommer.
  • Ideas for helping students regarding food needs, sanitary needs for women. Postponed to the next meeting.
  • Meetings in Spring. The Chapter will meet on January 17, and every other week for the rest of the semester, including May 8. The first meeting will be at Village Inn, 11302 N 30th St, Tampa, FL 33612.


  • Collective Bargaining. There will be a bargaining survey early next semester.
  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 9 December 2019.