USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon in EDU 150 on USF Tampa Bay.

Attendance & Introductions. There were ten members, including eight council members, and one guest.

Approval of minutes. Minutes of 23 March 2012 meeting approved.

USF Polytechnic. Discussion of the situation.

  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Communications. Social networking is a possibility.
  • Grievances. Several grievances outstanding.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of priorities.
  • Tenure & promotion. Discussion.
  • Grievances. Several grievances outstanding.

Good of the order.

  • Retirement buyout. Discussion technicalities.

Election results. The chapter election results, for the election of officers and representatives, were announced in the 5 April 2012; alternate representatives were confirmed as of 13 April. This is the elected leadership of the Chapter during the year 1 April 2012 ? 31 March 2013:

President : Paul Terry
Vice President : Sonia Wohlmuth
Treasurer : Arthur Shapiro
Secretary : Gregory McColm
Senator : Ross Alander
Senator : Sherman Dorn
Senator : James Epps
Senator : Farimah Fleschute
Senator : Brett Geier
Senator : Cecil Greek
Senator : Wayne Jones
Senator : Celina Jozsi
Senator : Kathleen King
Senator : W. Steve Lang
Senator : Kim Lersch
Senator : John Liontas
Senator : Mariam Manzur-Leiva
Senator : Gregory McColm
Senator : Maria Cecilia Nunes
Senator : Steve Permuth
Senator : Vanessa Pitts Bannister
Senator : Frank Pyrtle III
Senator : Artemio Ramirez
Senator : Arthur Shapiro
Senator : Paul Terry (es officio)
Senator : Bob Welker
Senator : Sonia Wohlmuth
Alternate Senator : Norma Alcantar
Alternate Senator : Iraida Carrion
Alternate Senator : Bruce Jones
Delegate : Brett Geier
Delegate : Gregory McColm
Delegate : Paul Terry
Delegate : Steve Permuth
Delegate : Arthur Shapiro
Delegate : Jennifer Reeves
Delegate : Bob Welker
Alternate Delegate : Norma Alcantar
Alternate Delegate : Iraida Carrion
Alternate Delegate : Bruce Jones
Alternate Delegate : Andrew Smith

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 14 April 2012.