USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held in EDU 161 on USF Tampa.

Attendance & Introductions. Seven members, including five members of the Council, and one guest.

Minutes. Minutes from the January 13 meeting approved.

President’s Report. Discussion on recent developments in the USF system.
Old Business.

  • The instructor surveys have been returned and reviewed. The February 24 meeting will have instructor issues as the primary topic.
  • Discussion on recruiting a new grievance chair.
  • There will be a picnic lunch on March 11 at Lowry Park Zoo for UFF members. The cost includes an insurance rider for up to $ 500.
    • Motion made and seconded to commit funds to pay for the insurance rider.

Committee Reports.

  • Grievances. Updates on outstanding grievances.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 5 February 2017.