USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon at CDB Restaurant at 5104 E. Fowler.

Attendance. Thirteen UFF members, including nine members of the Council, and one guest.

Minutes. Minutes of the 30 June meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • Discussion of USF’s progress towards consolidation.
  • Discussion of upcoming UFF Senate meeting.
  • UFF shall propose a program for faculty success to Academic Affairs.

New Business.

  • Report on a meeting by a task force concerning tuition for family members of USF employees.
  • The chapter meeting at USF St. Petersburg this semester shall be on September 21.
  • Discussion of holding a Tenure & Promotion workshop later this semester.
  • Discussion of a Government Relations Committee.


  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances.
  • Treasury. We currently have approximately $ 110,000 in two accounts. Here is a summary of expenses during the previous fiscal year:

    Printing 25,012.38
    Recruitment 9,920.39
    Meetings 7,809.60
    Travel Scholarships 7,000.00
    Travel 768.82
    Postal Services 149.80
    Misc 72.75
    Total 50,733.74

    Here is the proposed budget for the next fiscal year:

    Printing 25,000
    Recruitment 10,000
    Meetings 8,000
    Travel Scholarships 9,000
    Travel 1,000
    Postal Services 1,000
    Misc 500
    Total 54,500

    • Motion made and seconded to approve the budget. Budget approved.
    • Membership. The travel scholarship program shall continue this fall.
      • Motion made and seconded that the Chapter shall offer six $ 500 travel scholarships to UFF members who have not received scholarships during the previous three cycles. Scholarships shall be for substantial professional activity, and recipients shall acknowledge partial support by UFF and write up a short description of the work for the UFF USF Biweekly. All UFF members except for members of the Executive Committee are eligible. Applicants shall submit a 200-word proposal to the Secretary by November 27, and the recipients shall be selected by lot on the November 30 chapter meeting. Motion passed.

    These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 25 August 2018.