USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon on Zoom.

Attendance. Eighteen members, including twelve members of the Council, one staff, and one guest.

President’s Report.

  • Chapter Council Report. The Chapter Council has confirmed Karin Braunsberger as Chair of the Grievance Committee. It also confirmed three more members of the Council, but four more are needed.

New Business.

  • Discussion of possible consequences of a tax collection downturn, and options.
  • Academic Affairs presented two options to colleges for spring 2020 evaluations: incorporate student evaluations as usual, or give each faculty member that option. Most colleges outside of USF Health that have informed Academic Affairs of their decision have gone with the second option.
  • Instructor assignments. The default is to assign instructors 4/4 teaching loads (the same is true of professors by Florida statute), but there are institutional reasons for many instructors having lighter loads.
  • UFF was involved in resetting the tenure clock, but has been left out of a number of decisions.
  • Question: can a faculty member be required to teach in class when that faculty member would prefer to teach online for health reasons?

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 26 April 2020.