USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Attendance & Introductions. There were twelve members in attendance, including six members of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum.

Minutes. 9 September 2011 minutes approved.


  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Communications. We are working the Biweekly website next.
  • Membership. We are working on databases.
  • Bargaining. Discussion.
  • Grievances. Seven outstanding grievances.
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Education Legislation (chaired by Steve Permuth): currently organizing the committee.

Government Relations / Communications Campaign. Some chapters are donating funds for the campaign.

  • Motion made and seconded that the UFF USF Chapter support the 2011 – 2012 Government Relations / Communications Campaign with a contribution of $ 5,000 from savings. Motion approved.

USF Poly. Discussion.

Rebates. The chapter is currently committed to rebating $ 300 for each new membership entered by December 9. Other chapters are offering rebates in the $ 100 range.

  • Motion made and seconded that the UFF USF Chapter reduce the rebate from $ 300 to $ 100 for people joining after December 9. Motion approved.

These minutes respectfully resubmitted by G. McColm on 27 September 2011.